Thursday, December 17, 2009

Celebrity Style Fashion Accessories at the 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards

Celebrity Style Fashion Accessories

2009 first huge red carpet event is the Golden Globe which attracts all the fashion editors, photographers, fans, etc. And jewelry is the one never out of fashion. Luxury and fancy jewelry make all the ladies look elegant and noble. You want to be movie star? It's definitely a good chance to see the trend and copy their styles. It's not that difficult to be a star.This year, many actresses chose to show their sexy collarbone, so few of them wore necklaces. However, the few necklaces that were noted were really luxurious. And earrings and bracelets were the most popular adornments.

Style_Fashion_Accessories_Necklace.jpg kate-winslet-hairstyle.jpg EvanRachelWood1.jpg.jpg

Beyonce : A whopping 200-karat diamond Lorraine Schwartz.
Eva Mendes : Designed by Van Cleef & Arpels, four layers of turquoise stones and diamonds sets.
Kate Winslet : Kate went classic, with teardrop shaped sparklers
Hayden Panettiere : Perfect earrings went well to her face shape.
Evan Rachel Wood : She was looking old before her time, but was wearing amazing earrings that I really, really desired.

Ok it's good to have a look at all the celebrities' jewelry and Congratulations to the 2009 Golden Globe winners! Let's looking forward to the Oscar!

Trend Necklaces Celebrity Styles


Most of hollywood celebrity Styles used and set as necklaces trendsetter,fashion,handbag or some of these celebrity Styles trendsetter.

Nicole-Richie-Necklaces-accessories.jpg/ Celebrity-style-Necklaces1.jpg

Nicole Richie Inspired Pave Angel Wing Necklaces

Celebrity_styles_jessica_alba_Necklaces3.jpg jessica_alba_style.jpg

Jessica Alba and Deimos Gold Crossbones Necklaces


Rihanna Hip Hop Love Necklaces

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Merry Christmas, y'all!

Hey, peoples! Hope you're all enjoying the merriment and joy and peace and goodwill and all that jazz associated with this time of the year. Here in Bim we're experiencing beautiful, breezy sunny days and everything's all aglow...sigh, loves it.

Anyhoo, I wanted to wish you and yours a blessed holiday. I'm on vacay from next week, so I'm not sure how much posting I'll be doing before Christmas. There's a tree and house to decorate, traffic to navigate and shopping malls to frustrate, you all know the score.

Next year I hope to finally put pen to paper on this story I've been carrying around in my head for months. I have some new characters for you to meet; hope you all like 'em.

Take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger 'transgresses' + Common didn't call me!

Wuhloss. It seems that no celebrity is immune from scandal these days. On the heels of him crashing his Cadillac SUV into a fire hydrant and a tree, golf great Tiger Woods has pretty muched confessed to what has been rumoured in the last week; he's been cheating on his wfe Elin Nordegren, apparently with at least three other women!

He issued the following statement on his website yesterday:

I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don’t share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one’s own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn’t have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it’s difficult.

I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.

Now, I feel personally insulted. Tiger Woods come down here to Buhbadus to marry Elin. He block up the roads leading up to Sandy Lane and yuh had to detour all bout St. James. He nearly give we heart attack with the fireworks they let off up at the country club on the wedding night. He had paparazzi mekking people miserable trying to climb up pon roofs to get photos (though some locals mek a good buck, don't fool yuh foot). And after all that he got the audacity to cheat pon she? I feel like he cheat pon me, too!

I swear that I will NEVER understand men. What dem does really want, though? To feel needed? To feel important? Cause it seems that even if you is the prettiest woman pon the face of the earth yuh gine still get cheated on.

Look at this woman, then.

I know that all that glitters ain't gold, but Elin far better looking than that cocktail waitress or them other women. Wuh Tiger want, really? He better do more than apologise, 'cause if Elin get a good lawyer she coming for dem billions! Fore!

And talking about men, that one Common, yeah that cute rapper fella, playing he come to Buhbadus and ain't call me. I hear he and Serena had a good old time here last weekend. Is alright, though. Uh still like yuh, Lonny.

Anyhoo, check out AirBourne's site here to see the pics.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Independence, Barbados!!!

To all my Bajan peoples at home and abroad, to all adopted Bajans from around the world, I wish you a Happy Independence Day!

Let's give God thanks for our wonderful nation. We are blessed.

Congratulations are also extended to our newest Knights (we're still very British, ain't), Sir Philip Greaves and Sir Maurice King. I've posted the full list of honourees below.

God Bless Bim!



For extraordinary and outstanding achievement and merit in service to Barbados or to humanity at large.

1. Mr. Philip Marlowe Greaves, Q.C.

For his distinguished career and his outstanding service and contribution to Barbados and public life.

2. Mr. Maurice Athelstan King, Q.C.

For his distinguished service and contribution to the legal profession and public service.


For distinguished national achievement and merit.

1. Mr. John Andrew Connell, Q.C.

For his public service contribution to the legal profession.

2. Mr. Lionel Seymour Craig

For his outstanding contribution in the area of community service.

3. Mr. Robert Livingstone Morris, GCM

For his outstanding contribution to the labour movement.


For highly meritorious service or achievement in science, the arts, literature, sports, civic duties or any other endeavour worthy of national recognition.

1. Mr. Winston Alfred Cox
For his contribution to central banking and his meritorious contribution to the Region on economic matters.

2. Dr. Juliet Michelle Daniel

For her highly meritorious work in the area of cancer research.

3. Mr. Owen Lynderson Estwick

For his highly meritorious service in the area of public administration and cricket administration.

4. Mr. Joseph Cecil Ince

For his highly meritorious service in the area of tourism in particular cruise tourism.


For meritorious service or achievement in science, the arts, literature, sports, civic duties or any other endeavour worthy of national recognition.

1. Mr. Ryan McDonald Brathwaite

For his winning a Gold Medal in the 110 metre hurdles at the 2009 World Championships in Berlin.

2. Mr. Jerston Sherlock Clarke

For his meritorious service in the area of athletic coaching.

3. Miss Elizabeth Eileen Alice Deane

For her meritorious service to horse racing in Barbados and the Caribbean.

4. Dr. Edward Augustus Layne

For his meritorious service in promoting Barbados and developing linkages with the Atlanta business community.


For meritorious work in the civil, fire, military, police, prison or other protective services or any other similar field of endeavour.

1. Miss Eleanor Elaine Catlyn

For her contribution to nursing.

2. Mrs. Yvette Patricia Scantlebury

For 25 years of service to Government working in Cabinet Office.

3. Mr. Desmond Charles Weekes

For his contribution to the development and promotion of spouge music.

4. Rev. Dr. Carlyle DaCosta Williams

For his contribution to religion, in particular to the Wesleyan Holiness Church.

5. Miss Sylvia Oneta Wilkinson

For her contribution to the public service.


For meritorious work in the civil, fire, military, police, prison or other protective services or any other similar field of endeavour.

1. Ms. Joan Wilma Glasgow

For her outstanding contribution to the community.

2. Mr. Frank Herbert Reid

For his outstanding contribution to education.

3. Mr. Weldon Adolphus Spencer

For his contribution to the community and in particular his contribution to the Police Force.

4. Mrs. Marseta Bynoe-Walcott

For her contribution to community development, in particular, her work with youth and civic organisations in Christ Church.

5. Ms. Evelyn Margarette Walcott

For her contribution to the hospitality industry.


For acts of bravery in hazardous circumstances.

1. Mr. Terry Tyrone Omar Ifill

For his act of bravery in rescuing two visitors from drowning while swimming at Bathsheba, St. Joseph, on September 2, 2009.

2. Mr. Victor Leon Lewis

For his act of bravery in rescuing two visitors from drowning while swimming at Bathsheba, St. Joseph, on September 2, 2009.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Video Adegan Hot Five Vi Di Film Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi

Make that like seeing a horror movie Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi. you can watch his first appearance in cinemas on 19 November 2009, which is produced by Dheeraj Kk K2K Production production house, the horror film genre and Sensual scene filled with open-cut openings and lots of hot pictures and exciting.

Gambar Adegan Hot Five Vi Di Film
Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi

Video YouTobe Film Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi

Five V re-appeared on the big screen. This time widow's 1st child in action in the movie 'Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi.' There was half the battle for existence in the universe film, Five V beradegan willing exciting. That's what makes Five thinking for months and finally accepted an offer to play Film Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi." There are many hot scenes that made me think for months because of this scene is very brave," he said. Whether on the basis of what considerations, this sexy actress stature would eventually accept the offer KK Dheeraj film's production. "I wanted to show that I still exist in the world of acting," he said. In the movie 'Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi,' Five V acts as a ghost named Cherish. The ghost wants to wreak vengeance on those who had hurt him.

Profile Five Vi Rahmawati

Five Vi Rahmawati known as soap opera actress and advertising model star. Acting Bilqis Emelisqi'mother of this event can be found in KOMEDI BETAWI series, which aired in TransTV.

Five Vi RahmawatiFoto Five Vi Rahmawati

Five Vi itself is the former wife of a man from Malang, Iwan Setya Budiman, who officially divorced in 2006. Five Vi sued her husband for divorce, after often have a number of acts of violence from her husband.

Five Vi and her ex-husband, and involved a protracted dispute about custody of their children by more Vi live and in the care of his father. To resolve the case, the Five Vi also involve NGOs participated Children, National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) as a place to complain feud.

The court finally won the Five Vi over the custody of their children. However, the problem does not mean complete, because the former husband appealed and bilqis still in her father's arms.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Vincentians reject new Constitution

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves must not be in a good mood right now. Oh well, that's life. Read all about it here.

Fave Old Time Proverbs

Hi, peoples. Here's another flashback to one of my 2007 Independence posts. Enjoy.

As a "grandmother child" (i.e. child raised by grandparents), I grew up hearing a lot of Bajan proverbs and sayings that remain with me till this day. We Bajans have some very colourful sayings and here are 10 of my favourites:

10. Every fool got ‘e sense:
No matter how dull and ignorant, everybody is knowledgeable in one area or the other.

9. Cat luck en' dog luck
What one person may get away, may cause problems for another.

8. When yuh en' got horse, ride cow:
Utilize whatever resources you have available.

7. Don’t tek a six for a nine:
Do not misunderstand a person’s real intentions.

6. De berry don’ drop too far from de tree:
Children inherit traits and attitudes from their parents.

5. De higher de monkey climb, de more 'e show 'e tail:
The more you show off, the more your faults are brought to the open.

4. Evah skin-teet en' a laugh:
Not all outward signs of friendliness should be taken as genuine.

3. One smart dead at two smart door:
No matter how smart you think you are, there is somebody smarter than you.

2. Yuh could hide and buy ground but yuh can’t hide and wuk it:
It is impossible to hide your actions all the time.

1. De sea ain’t got nuh back door:
The sea is not that safe a place; take every precaution necessary.

For more proverbs, check

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to make conkies

What's Independence in Bim without conkies? Find out how to make them here.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Independence Cheese flashback

It's blue, yellow and black time again in Bim and I thought I'd share some of my fave posts from November 2007. Every day until November 30th I'll try to post one for you all.

THe first up is some pics of Bridgetown all lit up for Independence. You can find them here

Rihanna needs to wuk-up

Hey peoples! It's good to be back with you and I hope you're all well out there. Thanks for sticking around and gracias muchisimo for your mail.

Well, last night the American Music Awards went down in Los Angeles and of course home girl Rihanna took to the red carpet and the stage.

Love the cut out rose motif, hate the hair ....

And she performed a set which included the singles 'Hard' and the 'Wait Is Ova' off her new album Rated R, released today, in this outfit:

She reminds me of Charlize Theron in Aeon Flux for some reason, or that chick from the Bruce Willis movie The Fifth Element . Anyhoo, I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but I gotta say that I find Rihanna's performances boring. She wears eye-catching outfits, she has a lot of props, but sorry, she needs to work on her stage presence. And I think I've found just the way for her to improve her shows. She needs to wuk up. Seriously.

It worked wonders for Shakira and Beyonce, and even Lady Gaga is trying a thing these days. All Rihanna has to do is check soca queen Allison Hinds when next she's back home for some lessons. She gine sort she out real good.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Rihanna's 'Russian Roulette' video

Hey, peoples. Check out Rihanna's video for her new hit 'Russian Roulette', quick quick before it gets pulled down.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Serena's coming to BIM

Tennis ace Serena Williams will be in Barbados later this month for a tennis clinic for kids, and I'm pretty excited. She clawed her way back to the top of the rankings this year and really proved her metal.

Can't wait to see her, and I wonder if she's bringing her guy Common? If she does, hold me back, y'all!

Rihanna is simply GLAMOURous

Congratulations to Barbadian superstar Rihanna, who was presented with Glamour Magazine's Woman of the Year Award on Monday night. Not a bad way to end a pretty rough year.

Folks are raving over her gown, which does wonders to highlight her svelte figure, but I guess I'm not that into haute couture. I'll be kind and leave it there.

Now this gown, which she wore to an afterparty, I likey very much, though it's split so high it could cut her throat. Do you, Rih-Rih, do you.


Monday, November 9, 2009

The Rihanna 20/20 Interview

Here's Rihanna's 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer, aired last Friday. Although I'm skeptical in terms of the timing of the whole interview, she does sound sincere and truly shaken up by the ordeal. Hopefully she can move on with her life now.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Catching up again

Hey, peoples. I swear everytime I get bogged down in work etc, things get interesting around here and I can't get a chance to blog.

Since I last posted, we had a former PM going at it with his former deputy, and now Ms. Rih-Rih has broken her silence on the Chris Brown debacle, just in time to promote her new album....

Anyhoo, first things first.

The Owen Arthur/Mia Mottley "showdown" was an eye opener, not so much for what was said, but for what really wasn't said. Let me break it down for you folks who aren't clued into the political scene in Bimshire.

For about 14 years and up until January 1998, Barbados was led by Prime Minister Owen Arthur. In the latter stage of his administration, he had as his Deputy Mia Mottley. However, prior to the last election, he overlooked Mottley in favour of former Opposition Leader (yes I said Opposition Leader) Clyde Mascoll to be the co-leader of the Barbados Labour Party.

When the BLP's plans for re-election went to hell in a handbasket, it was alleged that that party decided to do some bloodletting, and Arthur was the chief victim. Mia Mottley was named Leader of the Oppposition and Arthur faded quietly into the sunset.

Or so it was thought. Bear in mind, Owen Arthur still had his fans, and many still believed he was the best choice to lead the BLP. That led to all kinds of perceptions of a power struggle in the BLP camp, and Ms. Mia finally put her foot down and went public, requesting a referendum of her parliamentary council on who they wanted for a leader.

Arthur didn't turn up for the vote, which Mottley won, but the next day held a press conference and put his former deputy on blast.

"The challenge facing Ms Mottley and the party is not within the parliamentary group. The challenge is to have a leader who enjoys wide aceptance and acceptability in the wider society and wide acceptance in the parliamentary party.

"That cannot be resolved by a vote among the parliamentary group," he said.

Arthur advised that his former protégée now needed to "recognise that there are things that you may like to do that could affect the standing of your party"; prepare herself for the fact that everybody was not going to like her; and immerse herself and "work harder than anybody else".

In typical Arthur style, he appeared to state his lack of interest in contesting Mottley's leadership of the party, but in fact threw her to the wolves by raising a lot of unanswered questions. And what did he mean by Mottley needing to "recognise that there are things that you may like to do that could affect the standing of your party"? You better ask a friend here in Bim, 'cause I ain't touching that one....

And now Ms. Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Girlfriend has finally gone public about her treatment at the hands of what's his name, sitting down with Diane Sawyer in an interview that will air on ABC'S 20/20 tonight. Snippets have hit the web, and I've posted two for you below.

Serious stuff. You all know Brown's camp is going to retaliate in some way, with his album coming out in a few weeks. Keep your chin up, Rih-Rih.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rihanna will be 'Rated R' on November 23

As most of you know by now, Rihanna will be releasing her fourth album, entitled Rated R, on November 23. You can check out the promo video for the album below.

The first single Russian Roulette has already hit the airwaves, and as you can see from the photo above, she's planning to push the envelope even more, going for an even 'edgier' look.

The blogs are going nuts with folks saying the song is about her selling her soul to the's hilarious. I agree she's sold her some sweet American greenbacks. Girlfriend is doing whatever it takes to keep people interested, and that's a must, unfortunately, in the music biz these days.

Anyhoo, I prefer the old days when it was about the singer's voice, not their looks or fashion sense....


Friday, October 16, 2009

Foto Sexy Bikini Tika Putri Beredar Di internet

Foto Hot Bikini Tika
Tika Putri has decided to show us her bikini body. She went to photo studio and now you guys can enjoy the pictures. because Tika Putri will definitely be worth the look!

As one of Indonesia's young stars on the rise, bikini photos of this Tika Putri cash just become a public concern because the artist cast in the film Jagad X Code is included Indonesian artist who has a beautiful face. Some people even surprise, it Tika also has a sexy body. Naturally, if the artist who was born in Bandung, 1 November 1989.She has a sexy body, because She was fond of and good at dancing salsa.

To Tika Putri bikini pictures, have not been able to know where the shot. The purpose of these photographs are also not known with certainty whether for a product or advertising these photos solely for private collections Tika. So far, virtually deserted Tika of Gossip. Love story soap star Air Mata Cinta also not too exposed surface. But overall, it becomes Tika presence of new flavor in the world of Indonesian entertainment. Hopefully,Bikini Photo of Tika Putri not make it abandoned by loyal fans.

Tikaa Putri is actress, players soaps, commercials and presenters whose names had leapt past sitcom Coffee Bean Show.

Tika began his career in the film because a friend's invitation to attend the casting. Since the children, had long Tika cultivate the arts of dance, especially in modern dance and salsa, so that through the work in the art world was not foreign to him.

Artists mentioned high-profile class is apparently rumored to negative and picky and only want to hang out with fellow celebrity friends.

Foto Hot Bikini Tika putri
Foto Sexy Bikini Tika Putri

Foto Hot Bikini Tika putri

Foto Hot Bikini Tika putri

Foto Hot Bikini Tika putri

Foto Sexy Tika Putri
Foto Sexy Tika Putri

Foto Sexy Tika Putri

Foto Sexy Tika Putri

Foto Sexy Tika Putri

Foto Sexy Tika Putri

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Congrats to President Barack Obama on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Of course the US netowrks are falling over themselves asking if he deserves this honour.

Whatev. He didn't award himself the prize, so suck it up, critics.

Damn that Iman!

Does this woman look 54 years old? What can we say to Somalian model, actress and entrepreneur Iman but, damn that Iman!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Foto Payudara Dea Imut Saat Menunduk

Dea Imut now moved Adult. Changes that are felt, when I met him, Wednesday Night (03/12) at Plaza Senayan (PS). Change is not only the perspective of various things, but also its physical form. Including interest to the opposite gender.

Entering the age of growing up, Dhea Imut prepare a strategy to avoid so-called children. Understandably Imut said, at least inherent and always connotes the children for Dhea, that he intended to shed the nickname 'imut' in the last name.

"My name will be replaced, let me not look solely Imut. My name is Anissa Dhea later. "Dhea said mischievously, looking down he realized that without payudara captured by the camera and now widespread in the Internet.

Payudara Dea Imut
Foto Payudara Dea Imut

Dea first got her first period in April 2007. He admitted that had surprised and scared the first time knowing himself got my period, "Actually, it was time again to the bathroom. Was urinating. Is this bleeding. Dea was a teenager. I was really shocked, surprised, actually I do not want to be growing up, still want to be small children, "Dea added with a laugh.

After a period, Dea change. Especially the shape of her breasts enlarged and had overgrown pubic hairs smooth.

Payudara Dea Imut
Payudara Dea Imut

Profile Dea Imut

Dhea Imut full name Claudia Anissa. Dhea is a former star who is now little teenagers. Dara, who was born in Jakarta, February 29, 1996 This started his career in the entertainment world since the age of two years. When it Dhea starring diaper ads. After that the bid was flooded Dea ads. Dhea is the daughter of the couple Indraa Kusuma and Masayui Chairani.

Dheaa obtained Imutt name after joining the Tiga Bocah Imut and had released an album of children. Dhea is a soap opera debut PANJI MANUSIA MILLENNIUM. His name is increasingly soared after starring in soap operas BIDADARI 3.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rihanna - Best in show

Hey, peoples. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I want to welcome my newest follower Manny to the Cheese-on-Bread family!

Anyhoo, remember I told you all how Rihanna's been turning sidewalks into her own personal catwalk? Well now she's doing the same at all the fashion shows presently underway in Europe.

I can't recall the names of the shows she attended, nor the designers she wore (Jean-Paul Gaultier is in there somewhere), but here's a look at what our girl has been parading around in.

Rihanna's criss-crossed top reminds me of a haute couture mummy costume.

Obviously Rihanna real hard ears and forgot what I told her a while back about catching cold. The expression on the face of the guy in the photo says it all.

"Boots, boots, boots and more boots". Rihanna looks downright dangerous in this outfit. All she needs is a whip and horse.

With her looks, fame and money, I know Rihanna probably doesn't have one ass to worry about, but still, no need to show off, Rih-Rih!
